UK ENFORCERS Beat And Force Innocent Woman To Strip Nude. please re upload

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3 months ago
Stephanie Rutter, 25, can be seen being pinned down by four officers after she was stripped naked in a police cell. The hairdresser had been arrested after a row with her boyfriend. When she arrived at the police station there was a bust-up and her clothes were cut off. Stephanie was then said to have attacked a woman police sergeant, a woman PC and a male and female detention officer. But the charges were dropped after her lawyer produced the CCTV at Runcorn Magistrates' Court, Cheshire. Stephanie, from Runcorn, was shown being elbowed in the jaw and pinned to the floor. The mum of one was then handcuffed and put in leg restraints. Stephanie said: "It was four on one - and they won. They left me in the cell with blood dripping down my face and covered in bruises. I thought my jaw was broken." She said she was "overjoyed" at being cleared, adding: "Justice has been done." She is now taking action against the officers. A spokesman for Cheshire Police said: "To date no complaint relating to excessive force or inappropriate conduct has been received by the individual concerned or from any of her representatives. "Ms Rutter was charged with three counts of assaulting Police. Upon her release from custody, Ms Rutter was given opportunity to make representations about any concerns she may have had relating to her treatment and welfare whilst in Custody." He added that the full custody video was now the subject of an internal review and the matter is being referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission for assessment. ...

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