Nigger Nigger Nigger (Weile Weile Waile parody)

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14 days ago
Nigger Nigger Nigger (Weile Weile Waile parody) Lyrics: There was a sheboon and she lived in the street Hoeing hoeing hoeing There was a sheboon and she lived in the street Down by the nigger ghetto She had a niglet three months old Nigger nigger nigger She had a niglet three months old Down by the nigger ghetto She had a shank knife long and sharp Nigger nigger nigger She had a shank knife long and sharp Down by the nigger ghetto She stuck that knife in the niglets heart Nigger nigger nigger She stuck that knife in the niglets heart Down by the nigger ghetto There was 3 cop cars come a driving up the street Nigger nigger nigger 3 cop cars come driving up the street Down by the nigger ghetto There was two policemen and a captain Nigger nigger nigger Two policemen and a captain Down by the nigger ghetto They took her away and they put her in the jail Nigger nigger nigger They took her away and they put her in the jail Away from the nigger ghetto They put the rope around her neck Nigger nigger nigger They put the rope around her neck Down by the jail gallows They pulled the rope and she got hung Nigger nigger nigger They pulled the rope and she got hung Down by the jail gallows Well that was the end of the sheboon in the street No more nigger nigger And that was the end of the niglet too Down by the nigger ghetto

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