jews Ran (A Flock Of Seagulls - I Ran parody)

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14 days ago
jews Ran (A Flock Of Seagulls - I Ran parody) Lyrics: I walk along the avenue I never thought I'd see so many jews See so many jews With curly hair and beady eyes All of the truth it demonizes jews It demonizes jews And jews just ran, they ran so far away jews just ran, from crimes of usury They couldn't get away Hitler appears above their heads Another shoah raining down on jews Raining down on jews The pogram's in its final stage Another Kristallnacht, its just for jews We'll boycott every Jew And jews just ran, they ran so far away jews just ran, from crimes of usury They couldn't get away I use zyklon to gas your race You're slowly disappearing from my view Disappearing from my view The oven's fired up again Furnace burning so red hot for jews It's burning just for jews And jews got gassed They got gassed right away And jews got gassed Got gassed all night and day And jews just ran, they ran so far away jews just ran, for all their crimes they'll pay

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