Heiling With The Fuhrer (Van Halen - Running With The Devil parody)

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14 days ago
Heiling With The Fuhrer (Van Halen - Running With The Devil parody) Video footage is from Triumph des Willens (Triumph of the Will) 1935 https://odysee.com/@Reichsgesetz:8/Triumph-des-Willens-%28Triumph-of-the-Will%29-1935:6?r=AijjwrQj3ydKQQSL5xsFe87y5c3c77ak&lid=eb3ab6ebf8c356a55fd9897e269b1f7a9265823f And also Murdoch Murdoch episodes Metamorphosis and Mythos Lyrics: I lived a normie life, full of sorrow All I had, was stolen from me Then I learned all about, Adolph Hitler Now I have pride and I, feel the thrill Of Heiling with the Fuhrer Heiling with the Fuhrer I found the modern life, ain't so normal Embraced tradition and a, higher code I've got all love for, all of my people No matter where you are, around the world Heiling with the Fuhrer Heiling with the Fuhrer I found the jewish lies, not so simple With Hitler's wisdom they, are exposed We must secure the, existence of our people And a future for white, children at home Heiling with the Fuhrer Heiling with the Fuhrer Heiling with the Fuhrer Heiling with the Fuhrer Heiling with the Fuhrer Heiling with the Fuhrer

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